Montessori Training Centre of BC

A Place of Education for adults on the nature of childhood

Montessori Assistants to Infancy – Diploma Course


Whoever touches the life of the child,
touches the most sensitive point of a whole
which has roots in the most distant past and climbs toward the infinite future.”
Maria Montessori

Diploma granted

The Montessori Training Centre of British Columbia (MTCBC) works in affiliation with the Association Montessori Internationale. The courses offered must meet rigorous standards, in both content and teaching staff. The Diploma awarded by the MTCBC is in great demand by Montessori Schools both nationally and internationally. Individuals must enquire what local requirements set out by government regulatory bodies must also be met when applying for teaching positions.

Assistants to Infancy students are trained to work with parents perinatally, assist with the infant at birth, prepare beautiful and responsive environments, work in infant and toddler communities in schools and day care settings and in hospitals – wherever children under the age of three are found!

British Columbia Infant Toddler Educator 0 – 3

Infant Toddler Educator Certificate (ECE, Post Basic) The Assistants to Infancy Course is accredited by the provincial government. Graduates who hold an ECE certificate in British Columbia qualify for the Post Basic Infant Toddler Educator Certificate upon completion of the course. Applications for a certificate are sent to the Early Childhood Educator Registry, Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Click here to learn more about ECE

Assistants to Infancy Course Overview

The AMI Montessori Assistants to Infancy Training course graduates are prepared to be Montessori Infant Toddler Educators to work with parents perinatally, assist with the infant at birth, prepare beautiful and responsible environments, direct Infant Toddler Communities in schools and day care settings, in hospitals, and wherever children under the age of three are found!

  • Montessori Pedagogy and Philosophy: the natural development of the child from conception to three years of age
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Obstetrics Prenatal, birth, and postnatal development
  • Nutrition and Hygiene Maternal care, digestive system, food preparation, and health issues
  • Personality Development: The Nervous System and normal psychological development
  • Development of Movement and Development of Language
  • Environment Preparation of the home, Nido, and Infant Community as an aid to human development within the first three years of life
  • Music, Art, and Social/Emotional Development
  • Material Making Hand-made materials
  • Observations: Practical training for observation of infants and toddlers in homes and Infant Communities
  • Practicum in a Montessori Infant Community directed by an AMI Assistants to Infancy Diploma holder.
  • Preparation of reference and curriculum albums

Requirements for Certification

The Montessori Assistants to Infancy Diploma is granted upon satisfactory completion of the course requirements in:

  • 90% attendance at lectures and supervised practice
  • 250 hours observation and observation summaries of infants and toddlers which includes a one week practice in a Montessori Infant Community and 15 hours of community/social service
  • material making assignments
  • written assignments and research paper on the Symbiotic Period
  • reference albums and resource manuals
  • passing grades on written examinations
  • passing grades in oral examinations conducted by Examiners of the AMI



Registrar: Adrienne Klassen –


Montessori Training Centre of British Columbia Campus

1410 Nanton Ave. , Vancouver, BC V6H 2E2

(Entrance at corner of Nanton Ave. & Cartier St.)

* This program has been approved by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training.